Building Management
The asset management department in municipalities typically oversees the replacement and upgrade schedules for existing buildings. Aging buildings and infrastructure present ongoing challenges where building replacement is not possible due to their historical character. The cost of heritage conservation is significant, yet their principles tend to be divorced from environmental sustainability considerations, focusing instead on fire safety, accessibility, lead and asbestos removal, and seismic strengthening. However, the operational costs of these buildings are also high. Energy inefficiency, poor thermal insulation, poor ventilation and air quality, and leaky windows and doors lead to high maintenance costs.
Applications & Solutions: Retrofitting Historical Buildings
Coupling building maintenance and conservation needs through deep energy retrofits of historical buildings can substantially extend their life while preserving architectural features and improving comfort and design. Deep energy retrofits coupling the replacement of major building assets with redesign of energy systems involving energy modelling and redesign, and upgrades to building envelope. This requires coordinating heritage conservation efforts with asset management upgrade and replacement schedules. The unique conditions of historical buildings require early identification and assessment of challenges and solutions from an engineering, design, and occupant perspective with clear project goals and priorities identified at the outset. Smart solutions allow evaluating where building upgrades are needed by modelling performance and connecting building energy systems through automation.
On-site, or in situ investigation – Takes a whole building approach to upgrades by revealing cross-linkages in building systems which can help to identify overlap in solutions and prioritize investments that resolve multiple issues. Occupant surveys – Identifies the building’s needs and functions. This is important to optimize performance for users as a goal in engineering and design solutions.
Infrared thermography – Aids in visualizing where heat gains and loss occur in buildings, to target insulation and ventilation efforts. Building sensors – Uses passive infrared, LiDAR, and cameras to detect the presence of occupants and if BAS enabled, can adjust the heating, cooling, and ventilation setpoints when a building is unoccupied.
Building meters – These devices include air quality monitors, smart thermostats, and smart meters. Air quality monitors detect carbon dioxide and other pollutants to measure fresh air circulation and when connected to BAS they form the information-sensor pathway for smart monitoring. IoT enabled thermostats that allow operators to automate adjust temperature setpoints adjustment based on building occupancy. Energy meters use live energy consumption connected with utility networks to enable time-of-use pricing.
Integrated building automation systems (BAS) – The complex integration of multiple energy systems and monitoring sensors requires a coordinated approach to managing indoor climate control and operational performance of a building. Combines operational control of heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, and home security systems to manage energy systems and home technologies. This relies on sensors, energy meters, and wi-fi enabled devices to be coordinated through an application interface. Designing BAS using IoT connected devices allows for live feedback and predictive algorithms to control setpoints and automate building systems.
Applications & Solutions: Smart Heritage
Smart heritage is a concept that seeks to overcome the idea that architectural heritage remains “frozen in time” by integrating historical evolution through narrative and storytelling to link present day uses with the past functions of a building. For buildings that are frequented by tourists, this approach helps to convey the importance of preserving buildings while educating the public and fostering community through the historical connection to place.
Green building certification – Buildings that achieve green building certification can showcase these features in retrofitted heritage buildings. This includes installing information plaques next to updated building systems describing the purpose of the technology and the amount of energy or water conserved. Visitors interested in a green building tour can be provided a map of plaque locations in the building.
Digital kiosks – Digital kiosks can inform visitors of integral information about a heritage building and can act as a one-stop source of guidance on municipal services and events, and activities. Conservation initiatives can be highlighted with live-feeds of the energy, water, and cost-savings of upgrading activities.
Interactive digital mapping – Spatial data and building modelling can be used to create interactive digital mapping to support historical storytelling. This can attract and educate visitors on the heritage aspects of a building, linking past and present functions to preservation efforts. Visitors can interact with building features which in turn collects data on number of users, feedback on the features, and other research and knowledge building data collection.
Managing Liability Issues
Managing issues.
Managing issues.
Managing issues.
Managing issues.
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