Outbreak Management
While the recent global pandemic has brought the issue of outbreak management to the forefront, smaller outbreaks have always been a public health concern. Both densely and more sparsely populated municipalities can be affected by food-borne illnesses, viruses, and other diseases. Reacting to an outbreak while it’s happening can help reduce risk of infection and bolster healthcare facilities, but sometimes these measures are instituted too slowly to really stop the spread. Knowing where an outbreak originated – and both where and how is spreading – can help inform public health officials and accelerate the institution of measures to help.
Applications and Solutions: Infectious Disease Surveillance
The tracking and monitoring of infectious diseases has long since been a measure instituted once it is clear an outbreak is occurring, but new technologies have allowed for breakthroughs in contact tracing techniques. Also of note are warning systems for infectious diseases, which can aid in stopping outbreaks before they start.
Public Health Information Systems – A database that allows for hospitals and other healthcare providers to enter information about patients that are suffering from certain diseases of interest, allowing policy makers to track trends and anticipate areas that may be afflicted next. May be operated at a provincial level, which municipalities may use to create their own specialized health reports.
Health-related Data Analysis – Uses trends of health-related data (such as 911 call logs, telehealth volume, physician billing data, over-the-counter drug sales, school and work absenteeism etc.) to provide early warning for infectious disease outbreaks.
Automatic Lab Reporting – Automatically logs positive lab results for certain infectious diseases into a central database, accompanied by information about the patient.
Automatic Contact Tracing – Uses location data from a mobile device to track where an infectious patient has been within a certain time period to anticipate spread, or encrypted key technology to track who the infectious patient has been in contact with to monitor potentially infected individuals.
Managing Liability Issues
Managing Issues.
Managing issues.
Managing issues.
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